Pottsville Republican of January 3, 1933

The Schuylkill Haven Borough Council held the first meeting of the New Year
in the Council Chamber Town Hall last evening.  The principle item of business
was the adoption of a budget and the budget system for the conduct of the
business of the borough.
The budget, as presented by the finance committee and accepted by Council,
totaled $193,330 as follows; Regular fund, $47510,electric light$95,725, gas and
water $50,095. The general fund totals $16,900; department of public safety,
$8,000; police, $4,395, property account, $870; electric light $93,725; water,
$31,647; gas $18, 448.
A motion to hire registered accountants to audit every department of the
borough’s accounts was lost by a nine to three vote.  All the members favored
such an audit, but it would be the work of possibly three months, and they did
not feel that they could spend the money.  The item also was not included in
the year’s budget, and could not be handled this year for that reason.
A petition for a new street light at the lower end of Schumacher Avenue,
signed by over 100 property owners in that section, was received and
referred to the light committee.  The light will probably be placed.
In a discussion, it was mentioned that the light department is receiving for
street lights the sum of $319 monthly, and that this amount has remained the
same for many years, while the number of street lights has grown from several
hundred to 428.  The committee is not complaining, and wants to give the
fullest service, but explained that if they were charging as utility companies
usually do for street lights, they would be able to show a much greater profit
in the operation of the light plant.
The gas and water department agreed to pay a $25 monthly renal for their
offices and storage in the Town Hall.  The water department will require a 10
per cent profit on the proposed service line to the Baldinger home in
Cressona.  It is estimated that it will cost $1000 to run a water line to this home.
The matter of extending the borough electric fire alarm system to the County
Home and Hospital for Mental Disease was investigated by the committee and
it was found that the request came from the Board of Fire Trustees, and not
from the Poor Directors, nor the superintendent of the hospital, and that these
folks are not interested in extending the borough’s fire alarm system.
The list of tax exonerations for the year were presented by Tax Collector
Scherer in the sum of $200 and it was accepted.  A motion to charge the
Bressler Band a rental for their use of Town Hall was lost by a 10 to two vote.  
Another motion to give the band unlimited use of the Council Chamber for
their rehearsals was lost by the same vote.  Council decides the band to
secure new and permanent headquarters, but is willing to let matters stand as
they are namely, that the band use the room until they can get headquarters of
their own, without any charge.  There was $1,000 transferred from the light
sinking fund to the light general fund, and $700 from the light general fund to
the regular borough account.
The sum of $300 was voted the Board of Health for their operations.  The
Health Board, through Secretary Borda, notified Council that every resident of
Garfield Avenue along the creek had been sent a notice to stop dumping in
the creek, under penalty of arrest and find.  Later, the Council decided to once
more clean out the creek bed where it flows through the meadow to the level,
so that the danger of flooding cellars and damaging property on Willow Street
might be averted.  Willow Street is to be improved by the purchase of ground
from the East Penn and one of the essential features is that this creek be not
used as a dump.
Burgess Scott turned over the sum of $350 for motor fines received during
the month  The total receipts of his office for the year in fines and permits is
$4,133.35.  The balance last night in the regular account was $2,220.61; gas and
water department, $14,570.63; electric light department, $7,480.09; Board of
Health, $33.13.  The streets were reported to be in good condition.  The gas
and water profits for the month were $264.41.  Electric light profits were
$3,768.83.  There was a discussion on the danger of the bus stop at Center
Avenue and Dock Street, but no action was taken.
Solicitor Dalton, at the request of Council made last month, submitted a very
able opinion on the employment of councilmen’s sons in borough work.  He
advised against it as a policy, particularly where the councilmen receive
support in the whole or part from their sons, as a later suit for surcharge
might be sustained by the court.  However, he said if the councilmen received
nothing personally and that there was no competition or graft, it might safely
be done.  But in the final analysis he advised against it.
The matter of additional lights on Center Ave., near the new Pennsy
underpass, was discussed.  The light or lights will be placed by the committee
just as soon as ownership of certain property can be ascertained.
The members present were: President Jacob Moyer, Harner, Carr, Huy,
Sweigert, Sharadin, Bashore, Suits, McKeon, Heisler, Martin, Brownmiller,
Secretary Betz, Solicitor Dalton and Burgess Scott.
Pottsville Republican of January 13, 1908

The borough electric light plant's daylight and power service becomes more
popular every day.  Meters have been installed for every consumer and they
show a considerable increase in the day consumption of light current, while
each week sees another motor or two put on the line.  The latest to sign
contracts for electric power are Baker Brothers and Company, who operate a
large underwear mill.  They will operate two motors of five and seven and a
half horse power respectively and by the use of the electric current expect to
economize on power expense.  Among those who have recently installed the
electric power are Rudy F. Moyer, general building contractor, George M. Ehly,
baker, T. D. Brownmiller, marble cutter, and the Call printing office.  
Superintendent Marshall, of the borough electric department , is to be
congratulated upon his success in demonstrating that a day service will pay
the borough.

Last evening at Spring Garden in the neighborhood of Crossley's store, one of
the borough electric light wires broke and fell across the wires of the United
Telephone and Telegraph Company  resulting in the burning out of the
telephone service and quite a considerable amount of damage.  A small boy
who was standing on the pavement where a live wire dropped was struck by
the wire and knocked down.  His trousers and one of his limbs were badly
burned.  In the exchange the fire flashed all over the switch board and the
various connections and the operator, Lewis Emerich, had one of his fingers
badly burned.

Pottsville Republican of January 22, 1908

The local ice men are now on the anxious bench, but they still have one straw
of hope to grasp at.  Last year, on the tenth of March, those who had not
already filled their ice houses, cut and stored twelve inch ice.  Let us hope
that they will be as fortunate this season, for if it is true that the temperature
equalizes itself throughout the year, and as last spring, summer and fall were
very cool, we may expect a hot dry summer this year and we will need plenty of
ice.  The coal men are cheerful for the reason that although the thermometer
has not registered very low nor been down for any length of time during the
winter, the atmosphere has at almost all times been so raw and the cold so
penetrating that as much coal has been burned to make homes and business
places as comfortable as during a steady cold snap with the thermometer
down to zero and the atmosphere dry and healthful.

The new Fairmount addition to the borough of Schuylkill Haven will open up to
our citizens the choicest building site in the town.  Borough Engineer Butz has
finished laying out the plot in wide streets and avenues with alleys to the rear
of every lot, making the arrangement of streets and lots a most ideal one.  
Schuylkill haven has been hampered in its growth first, by a lack of houses
and secondly, by a lack of sites upon which to build them.  It was not until
recently that the Fairmount Addition, formerly the Boyer farm, was available for
this purpose.

Pottsville Republican of January 28, 1908


Is some Schuylkill Haven lover of comfort and coziness minus a feather bed,
or did the high wind of Monday afternoon blow all the feathers off somebody's
flock of chickens?  It was just about five o'clock and the wind was blowing
great guns.  Pedestrians at the intersection of Main and Saint Peter Streets,
where the wind had a clean sweep and was unusually furious, were scurrying
hurriedly toward warmer quarters when with the suddenness of a snow squall
and like the proverbial thunderbolt from a clear sky, they were almost
smothered beneath a cloud of feathers.  The air was full of them and the
sportive wind threw them down to the ground and then up into the air and into
eddying swirls around the choking, gasping, sneezing citizens who were
caught in this unique storm.  Like most sudden and severe storms, it soon
blew over but a few tell tale feathers still remain along Main and Saint Peter
Streets as a reminder to those who were caught in it of their unique