Pottsville Republican of March 7, 1933

At the close of the monthly meeting of the Borough Council last evening, the solicitor, Vincent J.
Dalton gave a thorough and most interesting report of the recent Borough Association
convention.  There were many helpful facts brought out which ought to help the local legislators.  
During the evening the solicitor was asked to define the duties of the Superintendent of the Gas
and Water Department.  He said there was no set rule to govern the conduct of the position and
that there was nothing in the borough code but that he was under the direction of the department
and that they were under the approval of Council.  Mr. Yeich, who is the tenant on the borough
farm in Panther Valley was present and addressed Council on the matter of a request that his
lease be terminated.  This matter was referred to the Water Committee.  By a vote of eight to four,
Council took a stand upon the question of men who are regularly on the Borough payroll paying
their just debts.  A bill and letter of complaint was received from a local merchant for money owed
him by a Borough employee.  This employee will be requested by the Borough secretary to pay his
bill.  The solicitor reported on matters left in his hands, namely the removal of the East Penn
excess poles, the notice to the Borough tenant on his farm and the rate of charges for Borough
pipelines over state bridges.  All have been attended to and action secured.  The Highway
Committee reported that the streets were in a good condition and that satisfactory progress was
being made on the improvement to the Schuylkill Mountain Road.  Members present were:
president Moyer, Messrs. Carr, Sweigert, Sharadin, Huy, Bashore, McKeone, Suits, Harner,
Heisler, Martin and Brownmiller.

Pottsville Republican of March 20, 1933


The local unemployment relief committee is ready to receive requests for garden seeds.  The
state relief board expects every family who is on relief lists to secure and plant vegetable seeds.  
During the summer, a garden of fruit and vegetables will materially aid those families.
MARCH 1933
MARCH 1908
Pottsville Republican of March 8, 1908


A regular stated meeting of Town Council was held on Monday evening with the following
members present: Messrs. Bubeck, Caffrey, Heim, Lautenbacher, McKeown, Meck, Rooney,
Schumacher, Thomas, Sterner and president Lessig.  Solicitor Noecker, Superintendent Marshall,
Burgess Baker, Supervisor Becker and Secretary Runkle were also present.  The minutes of the
last meeting were read and approved.  Burgess Baker reported having notified the traction
company to remove the snow which they did.  Surveyor Butz in a communication asked for a
return of the profiles and plans of proposed streets at the Episcopal church and near the Catholic
church in order that he may complete the drafts.  He also asked council to take up the matter of a
pass over the Pottsville Union Traction lines usually allowed the Borough Surveyor which he had
not yet received.  On motion of Mr. Lautenbacher, a rising vote of thanks was extended to retiring
President Dr. John O. Lessig.
Council then adjourned and reopened to reorganize.  Burgess Baker declared nominations in
order for president.  Mr. Lautenbacher nominated Harry Schumacher and Mr. McKeown
nominated J. C. Lautenbacher.  The first ballot resulted in Mr. Schumacher winning by a vote of
seven to five.  
Mr. Lautenbacher reported great damage at various points during the winter by reason of gutters
being frozen up and surface water washing out streets and pavements and causing floods in
cellars and yards.  He thought the Supervisor should keep the gutters open in the winter.  Mr.
Heim said the fault is with the property owners who do not keep the gutters open.  Mr.
Lautenbacher replied that the gutters were kept frozen full on account of property owners
allowing hydrants to run to keep them from freezing.  Burgess Baker reported that at the Baker
farm there is a washout on the street.  Mr. Bubeck stated that at David Oswald's property on
Garfield Avenue, surface water flows through his yard and causes considerable damage.  The box
culvert on haven Street near Paxson Avenue was reported so inadequate to carry off surface
water during heavy rains that upon two occasions the water has flowed over the street.  Mr. Heim
reported a similar condition on the public road at Bittle's dam between the bridge and Ney's.  Mr.
Meck moved that the Road Committee fill in the road at Bittle's dam.  Mr. Lautenbacher thought
that Mr. Bittle should make the repairs.  It was referred to the Road Committee.
Mr. Lautenbacher stated to the Council that the public has been blaming the Council for
squandering the borough's funds.  He said the borough's indebtedness amounts to about
$17,000.  He stated that a number of expenses and occurrences, over which the borough had no
control, were responsible for the debt.  For two years smallpox raged and cost the town $8000; as
a result of a lawsuit growing out of a woman falling and breaking a limb, the borough paid out
$3000; in the West ward a girl fell and broke her arm, which cost the town $600; a lady fell on the
ice and broke her limb and the borough paid out $500; Driesbach's horse cost the town $200; then
the Council committed a piece of folly by buying a swamp for a water right and paid for it $3500; all
of those items foot up $18,400 which is more then the borough debt.  Had it not been for these
extraordinary expenses the borough would be free of debt.  Mr. Lautenbacher hoped that the
fault finders would take cognizance of these facts and give the Town Council credit that it is due.
Mr. Meck suggested that the Building Committee see Mr. Yoder and have him change an exit
door at the amusement place at his keystone Hall so as to open outwards.  So ordered.  Mr.
Lautenbacher said that economy should be the watchword of this Council.  Council should get
after property owners and require them to do the work required of them such as putting in curbs,
pavements, etc., as much money as possible should be saved for the purpose of paving streets
and putting in a public sewerage system.  
Mr. Thomas said this evening opens up a new era in the history of this borough.  The present
Council can not help nor be blamed for the burden of debt it has assumed, but it's business is to
economize during the present year.  The people of Schuylkill Haven must be considerate.  There
is too much fault finding with Council.  Few people are sufficiently acquainted with the town's
business to be able to talk intelligently upon the matter.


The School Board held its regular monthly meeting on Monday evening.  It was a very interesting
session and the business of the evening was transacted quickly and with the usual general good
feeling.  The board got down to work promptly at eight o'clock with Mr. Holton in the chair.  The
minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.  Dr. Lessig arrived and took his place
in the president's chair.  
Miss Raudenbush, Room 12, who was on the sick list for three weeks, resumed her work Monday.  
Fire drills are being executed.  The Junior and Senior classes have agreed jointly to purchase a
$390 physical cabinet to place into the High School as a memorial.  The seniors have their amount
of money on hand and the juniors expect to have theirs by the time the payment must be made.  
Commencement will in all probability be held Friday evening, May 29th.  The class and principal
desire the board to join them in asking for the use of Saint John's Reformed Church for these
exercises.  J. J. Smith, the newly elected director of the West ward, was appointed by the board to
fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. McGovern.  At the suggestion of the Repair
Committee, Mr. Minnig, its chairman, was directed to order coal for the North Ward building.  
Secretary Hoffman addressed the board with reference to the removal of Janitor Hoffman's
household goods to his own house on Pleasant Row.  Mr. Hoffman desires to live in his own
house and if the board objected a new janitor could be elected in his place.  In consideration of
the unsanitary condition of the basement of the school building, the board approved the janitor's
action and Mr. Hoffman is permitted to remove his goods and retain his position.
The chancing of the diamond ring began on Friday afternoon and last Tuesday there were
chances sold to the amount of $35.  The boys and girls will try to see everybody but if they don't
see you soon, send word to the High School.  During school hours, the chances can be
purchased at Bensinger's Drug Store.  George W. Butz presented the sample High School
pennant to the board.  It has a fine appearance.  This week it was on exhibition in the High School.
By the end of the week it will be in some store window on Main Street.  Look for it.  Miss Eva Butz
makes them and has them for sale for seventy five cents each.  Give her your order.
The  following board members and others were present: Holton, Hoffman, Bast, Eiler, Berkheiser,
Minnig, W. H. Heim, Reinhart, Lessig, J. J. Smith, Janitor Hoffman and Principal Heckert.  Board
adjourned at nine o'clock.

Pottsville Republican of March 13, 1908

Dr. Dechert Suffers by Fire - Death of Samuel Siegfried

Fire on Thursday night gutted the second story of Dr. Dechert's stable, which is located at the
rear of the doctor's residence.  The fire was discovered shortly before ten o'clock and so
promptly did all three of the fire companies respond to the alarm and so rapidly and systematically
did the firemen work that the fire was confined to the second floor of the building where it
originated.  The cause of the fire is believed to be spontaneous combustion from some hay that
had been put in there the day before.  The hay and the hostler's room and its furnishings were
destroyed and the second story of the stable was badly charred.  The damage amounts to
between 4300 and $400.  The doctor's fine horses, carriages, harness, etc., were all on the ground
floor of the stable and were gotten out when the fire was discovered.  The first floor of the stable
suffered only from the water that was poured in on the flames by the firemen, the damage being
slight.  Dr. Dechert, who has been seriously ill, was not informed of the loss.  The doctor is
improving in health steadily and is able to sit up for an hour each day.  His physicians predict his
ultimate recovery.
Samuel Siegfried, who has been driver for Dr. Dechert for many years, died early Friday morning.  
Mr. Siegfried had been suffering for several months with dropsy and several days before his
death had to take to his bed.  In order that he might have the best medical attention, he was
removed to the almshouse hospital where he was under the care of Dr. Gillette, and was visited
by Dr. Heim, who is attending to Dr. Dechert's practice.  Mr. Siegfried was aged fifty four years.  He
was a widower, having lost his wife and only child a number of years ago.  One sister, the wife of
Henry Wessner, driver at the almshouse, and a brother, John Siegfried, of Nosedale, survive.

Pottsville Republican of March 16, 1908

Mr. Paxson and Mr. Aldrich are now putting the finishing touches to the twelve houses they have
built fronting on Paxson Avenue on their tract of land along Haven Street.  The painters are at
work and have already finished several blocks of the houses, which make a handsome
appearance.  Work will begin at once on foundations for another dozen houses on the opposite
side of the avenue, and as soon as the frost is entirely out of the ground concrete pavements,
curbs and gutters will be laid in front of the houses already finished, and shade trees will be
planted, all of theses contracts having been let.  After all of those improvements are made this
will be one of the prettiest residential sections of the town and if Council will grant a street
through from Dock Street to Haven Street, which project it is hoped will be consummated before
next winter, this section will be as easy of access to and from the business section as any other
part of town.  

The owners of Fairmount, formerly the old Boyer farm, are getting things in shape to open the
spring campaign and will shortly make their announcement.  This is the most desirable real estate
proposition that has ever been presented to the Schuylkill Haven public and to the people in
general and we miss our guess if the lots are not quickly snapped up as soon as the plot is
thrown open to the public.  The plot has been laid out into large lots, each fronting on a broad
street and abutting at the rear on an alley and the lay of the streets is such as to secure the best
drainage.  The ground is all high and it is one of the finest parts of the borough and overlooks a
pretty farming country.  Every lot in Fairmount is within easy walking distance of the business
center of the town and the railroad stations and the grade pf the streets is such as to make it
easy of access at every point.  For a number of years past, the town has been crowded for
building sites, but the opening of this tract gives ample space for some time to come, while the
prices asked for the lots will make it an incentive for purchasers to build.  Schuylkill Haven needs
a hundred more houses at the least calculation, and anyone who will put up desirable houses for
rent can lease them before the homes are half completed, so great is the demand.  The location
here of the Pennsylvania Railroad car shops, which is said by the knowing ones to be a certainty,
will make the demand for homes much greater.